Season 3, Episode 7: “The Walk”
22 October 2021
1 hr 35 mins 43 secs
Season 3
About this Episode
Another super fun topic...
After an officer at an Army hospital tries to kill himself multiple times but claims he’s always stopped by a phantom soldier, who also killed his wife and kids in a house fire, Mulder and Scully arrive to investigate. They discover another soldier had a similar misfortune and suspect the general in charge of the base is covering for his men. But when the general becomes the next target, they must figure out who’s doing these things—and how—before they strike again.
Lots and lots of fun in this one.
Originally recorded on 09 October 2021.
Originally released on 22 October 2021.
Trust No One: The Official Third Season Guide to the X-Files by Brian Lowry
“Dark Science” by David Hilowitz
“The Truth Is What We Make of It” by The Agrarians
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