Season 3, Episode 4: “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose”


1 October 2021

1 hr 50 mins 57 secs

Season 2

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In today’s episode of That Seems Like a Paradox...

Someone is murdering fortune tellers. The police, desperate, are happy to have the FBI’s help but also call in a psychic, whom Mulder thinks is a fake (and Scully agrees). But when a man named Clyde Bruckman finds the body of one of the victims and seems to know more about the case than has been made public, Mulder believes Bruckman is a real psychic and can help them stop the killer.

Or he could be the killer...

Originally recorded on 12 September 2021.

Originally released on 01 October 2021.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline



The X-Files Clyde Bruckmans Final Repose 20th Anniversary”The Hollywood Reporter


The Complete X-Files: Revised and Updated Edition by Matt Hurwitz & Chris Knowles

Trust No One: The Official Third Season Guide to the X-Files by Brian Lowry


“Dark Science” by David Hilowitz

“The Truth Is What We Make of It” by The Agrarians

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