Season 3, Episode 2: “Paper Clip”


17 September 2021

1 hr 47 mins 53 secs

Season 3

Your Hosts

About this Episode

The X-Files’ very first three-parter ends here!

While Scully and Skinner face off with guns in Mulder’s apartment, Mulder arrives and is determined to find the truth. Skinner has the DAT tape the Cigarette Smoking Man is after, and Mulder tells him to protect it while he and Scully search for answers about the conspiracy they’ve started to uncover. However, they soon find out that the men behind the conspiracy still want them both dead.

Maybe they can say, “Let’s Make a Deal!”

That’ll make more sense later. ;)

(Originally recorded: 04 September 2021)

(Originally released: 17 September 2021)


The Rumor Equation” — Strange Arrivals, S2 E11, July 19, 2021

INTERVIEW 2: Chris Carter” — Strange Arrivals, S2 E15, August 16, 2021

INTERVIEW 5: Glen Morgan” — Strange Arrivals, S2 E18, September 6, 2021


X Marks the Spot: On Location with The X-Files by Louisa Gradnitzer & Todd Pittson

The Complete X-Files: Revised and Updated Edition by Matt Hurwitz & Chris Knowles

The X-Files Paper ClipIMDb

The Truth is Out There: The Official Guide to The X-Files by Brian Lowry

Trust No One: The Official Third Season Guide to the X-Files by Brian Lowry

Paper Clip - Wikipedia


“Dark Science” by David Hilowitz

“The Truth Is What We Make of It” by The Agrarians

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