Flash Gordon


5 December 2023

1 hr 36 mins 14 secs

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

Today is 05 December 2023.
Saint Nicholas’ Eve, Sinterklaas, in The Netherlands.
Also, more importantly, 43 years ago, on 05 December 1980, Flash Gordon was released in U.S. theatres.

That’s right. Flash Gordon. 1980.
The greatest film ever made.
If you don’t agree, you’re wrong.
Or you are Tori, who has her own opinion on the subject.

This episode was originally released on 10 June 2020 as:
J and Lazy N Ramble On… “about Flash Gordon! A-ah!”
Episode 47 (aka Season 2, Episode 27)

Sorry, no Tori here.

Audio segments used in this podcast are from the Flash Gordon soundtrack:
“Flash (Single Version)” by Queen
“Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)” by Queen
“Crash Dive on Mingo City” by Queen
“Flash’s Theme Reprise” by Queen

Also, we did watch Flesh Gordon.
J and Lazy N Ramble On... “about Flesh Gordon” | Episode 53 | 22 July 2020.

Our theme music is "Back to the Grind" by Billie Stevens.
Podcast logo by Lazy N.

You can find the decaying remains of J and Lazy N Ramble On... at jandlazyn.com and peruse some sweet sweet warez @our TeePublic shop. Buy a shirt! Buy a mask! Buy a mothafuckin’ coffee cup.

You can find links for basically everything I Want To Rewatch related (including our sweet merch) at:
I Want To Rewatch | Linktree

I’m not saying we’re coming back any time soon, but I’m also not saying we’re not…