Episode 187

Season 4, Episode 12: “Leonard Betts”


26 August 2022

1 hr 31 mins 41 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Season 4, Episode 12: “Leonard Betts”

Imagine Wolverine as the Headless Horseman but without a horse or a pumpkin or claws and not really the best he is at what he does... unless it’s EMT stuff. He seems pretty good at that. Also more weird Mother-Son stuff.

An EMT is decapitated during an ambulance crash and then his body is stolen from the morgue. Mulder and Scully find the head in the medical waste bin, but it doesn’t show any signs of decomposition and blinks at Scully when she tries to cut it open. Mulder finds evidence that Betts went home to his apartment–after he died. He believes Leonard Betts has the power to regenerate, while Scully thinks there must be a more logical explanation.

Originally recorded on 08 May 2022.

Originally edited on 25 August 2022.

Originally released on 26 August 2022.


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