Episode 173

Season 4, Episode 9: “Terma”


13 May 2022

1 hr 17 mins 28 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Season 4, Episode 9: “Terma”

Previously on The X-Files:

We see black oil flowing over the eye of an airport inspector, Mulder punching Krycek, Sacks cutting open the rock, Mulder telling Scully the rock may hold answers about extraterrestrial life. The black leeches on Sacks’ helmet. Scully on the phone saying whatever’s in the rock appears to be lethal. Mulder running from the Russians. The Cigarette Smoking Man telling the Well-Manicured Man about Mulder’s plane ticket. Mulder and Krycek watching the Russains and saying it’s some kind of mining camp. Senator Sorenson telling Skinner and Scully perjury is a very serious offense. And then Mulder, with the black oil leeches under his skin and black oil flowing over his eye.

Originally recorded on 17 April 2022.

Originally released on 13 May 2022.


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